A day in the life of an IB student: Stay-at-home edition

Hi guys!

Today I've decided to share my typical school routine. Of course, my "usual" routine has changed A LOT in the past few months and probably will continue to change till I finish school. 

Anyway, in this post, I'm going to be talking about my daily "quarantine" routine. Be warned: You may find my life incredibly dull.

6:00 AM: Wake up
*Beep beep beep* goes the alarm clock as I catapult out of bed, ready (most of the time) to start my day.

6:15 AM - 7:30 AM: Walking/running at East Coast Park
I might have mentioned this in a few other posts, but I can't start my day without my morning runs and walks.
It's so pretty!

It's pretty empty this time of day, which is a huge plus point. I have also managed to learn the skilful art of not suffocating while wearing my mask.

8:00 AM: Breakfast
Yay, food! Now is when I usually break out my blender and make a smoothie.
(Related post: Red kiwi smoothie bowl)

9:00 AM: School
Sigh. I drag my feet to my room, switch on my computer, and connect to my classroom. The weirdest part about online school is definitely not having to travel. All I need to do is stare at my laptop and try to pay attention.
My only view for months now.

I'll see you guys in a few hours if I'm still alive then.

1:10 PM: Lunch

1:40 PM: School (again)
I am quite tired at this point. But oh well, education is important, kids.

3:40 PM: (Not) school
Yay, my school day's finally over! Now is the time to kick back and relax, maybe read a book for twenty minutes.
This is also usually when I try to keep this blog active. I don't think I'm doing a great job of it.

4:00 PM: Homework/studies
Yeah, it sucks. However, it must be done. 
With textbooks like these, who needs enemies? (or friends)

*Crosses my fingers and prays I don't have too much homework*
*Cries when I realise I'll have to study anyway because that's what a good student does*

6:30 PM: Dinner
We've been eating dinner quite early these days because we're all at home anyway, there's no need to wait for my parents to return from work.
(The house has never been this crowded, ever).

7:30 PM: Study
I told you guys I lived a boring life. Unfortunately, this must be done. There are waaayyyy too many assignments I need to complete. At this rate, the next time I'll have a completely free day may be after I retire.

8:00 PM: Rest
Finally! I usually spend these glorious hours reading a book (on my Kindle because I have exhausted the paperbacks in the house) or scrolling through my phone.

10:00 PM: Bed
And now, for my last act, I will lay down on my bed and attempt to fall into a deep slumber. Goodnight, world.

Final thoughts
So, what did you guys think? This has pretty much been my life/routine since the beginning of April. Our summer holidays begin in about a week's time, so there may be a few changes in my routine. And hopefully, in July, I'll be back to my new "normal" routine, whatever that may be.

How have you been spending your work/school days lately? Feel free to share your thoughts/experiences in the comments!


  1. I would love to see if your school holiday days would become more exciting 😀


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