Lately I've been (May 2020)

Hi! The month's going to come to an end pretty soon, and we're about to enter Phase 1 following the end of the circuit breaker. 

Spending the past month quarantined at home has certainly been hard, but at least I managed to do a bunch of stuff, like start this blog and water my plant.

This is Gabby, my guava plant.

Anyway, here are some of the other things I've been doing.

Lately I've been...

A lot of cabbage. I have no idea why, but I think I ate cabbage with about half my lunches the past month. The other times, I ate mostly green beans or some other vegetables with chicken or fish. 

Shrimp, green beans, and carrot fries!
Smoothies have been my go-to breakfast for a long time, and this hasn't changed much. Nevertheless, I have been trying out various oat-based meals, like homemade granola and overnight oats.

Water. Yes, I have boring drink tastes. However, I have been drinking a lot of sparkling water. I know quite a few people who've compared it to TV static, but I just LOVE sparkling water. (I've been pushing my parents to buy me a SodaStream but oh well).

I've definitely been reading a lot of books this month, mostly on my Kindle, as the libraries are closed (cries internally). 

Check out my other post about the books I read this month.

My morning runs and walks. I love waking up early and going to the park before the sun rises. It's so calming and such a great way to get some steps in.

The park is so peaceful in the early morning!

Not moving. I'm a very active person, and staying at home is driving me crazy. I miss the movement associated with school and going to school and moving between classes...sitting in front of my laptop the entire day is NOT FUN.

Way too much. It's almost the end of IB year 1, and all of our IA and EE drafts are due soon. It makes me very sad.

Yeah, I know I'm still a student, so I technically learn stuff every day. I did enroll in an online biochemistry course last month, though, and I've almost completed it. Yay! (Nerd alert)

Pajamas. The best part about staying at home is getting to wear whatever you want, hands down. Sitting down for school in loungewear is fantastic.

I have been using a lot of sweatshirts and running pants during my morning runs and walks, these are probably the only reasons I change my clothes at all. 

About the future. We're going to have to apply to college soon, which is pretty stressful. University is scary.

Final thoughts

So that's basically how I spent most of my month. While I would like to say it would have been a lot more interesting had we not been on lockdown, I'm not entirely sure about that.

What have you been doing this month? If you have anything fun to share, feel free to leave a message in the comments! (Boring anecdotes are also acceptable, I'll probably relate to these more).


  1. I'm impressed by your range of activities in this period. I can offer you a rundown on the 150+ movies I've watched, or the 30+ books I've read, and the deep dent I've made in the sofa while diligently pursuing those onerous activities in the last couple of months, if you're interested?!

  2. Yep, don't kid yourself - you have been busy! I've been (1) working (2) chasing clients so they pay me :-) (3) exercising - running/walking around McRitchie Reservoir (I totally agree with your assessment of very early morning) and doing video exercise routines in the carport (4) more cooking and baking than usual (a lot of keto goodies with paleo flour; banana bread and carrot cake have been good; some brioche buns with the wrong type of flour the other day had the density of a neutron star) (5) simultaneously watching a lot of Netflix series and shows on Prime (6) brushing the cat - after 14 years Trixi has just realised that she looooves brushing (7) Zoom get-togethers with friends (but we can hardly wait till we can meet in person).

    Why not do a post on what you are looking forward to as Phase 1-2-3 come along?
    L x

    1. Wow, you've been doing a lot! Thanks for the suggestion!


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